Design & engineering
Analyses of the problem
Trough input from the customer combined with VDC experience a correct and efficient design is possible.
Important input factors characterize the filter:
- flow rate,
- temperature,
- allowable emission rate,
- product specifications (explosion hazards)
Custom design of your filtration asset
All filtration solutions are custom made to your needs. Starting from the filter type to the secondary equipment's.
A custom fit to your laying stocks to decrease your OPEX costs.
Installation & start up
The implementation into your installation and start up will be facilitated by VDC. From the start of the works until the first dust collection VDC is your partner!
By a plan based approach we keep the downtime to a minimum and guarantee a high efficiently at your facilities.
Applications and industries
Cement industry
All type of filters are available for the different cement making processes. Silo's, conveyors, furnaces, hygiene gas extraction,...
Together with our partners, we have have extensive experience in limiting the dust impact for both workers and the environment in and around quarries.